No, we lay people should not be using the Orans Posture at Mass.
I noticed something last Sunday when I attended Mass. I noticed that many of my fellow brothers and sisters who were gathered at the Eucharistic Feast were opening their palms in prayer, especially during the various parts of the Eucharistic Prayer. As someone who has had the privilege of learning about the liturgy from a priest who holds a licentiate in Liturgical and Sacramental Theology, this caught my attention at once. I was not distressed about it, neither was I attempting to pass judgment on anybody, but I knew at once what I was going to write about this week. I'm quite sure that what I am going to write today is going to unruffle the feathers of many. Like all my liturgical musings, I assure you dear reader, that I do not aim to offend or criticise anyone by means of this post. This musing is not an attempt to be a liturgical terrorist, or to push any agendas within the Church. I write this post with only one aim in mind; to shed some light on how the Church intends for h...