Struggling to agree with Church Teaching
Let's be honest. All of us have difficulty agreeing with certain teachings from Mother Church. Here are some examples. Some of us are passionate about Gender Equality, and we can't understand why the Catholic Church does not allow for Women Priests. Some of us view the scandals that are being uncovered in the Church among the clergy today are a result of our Priests being required to remain celibate, and thus we strongly feel that the Church should not impose celibacy as a requirement for its clergy. To some, human beings are made with physical needs, and they feel that the Church should relax her stance towards pre-martital sex, contraception, LGBTQ, and even abortion. Some of us feel that the changes to the Liturgy from Vatican II ought not to have taken place. To many, the Traditional Latin Mass is the only form of worship that should be accepted as valid by the Church. To many, the rubrics of the Liturgy are but man-made laws, and we feel that there's no need to observe...