Struggling to agree with Church Teaching
Let's be honest. All of us have difficulty agreeing with certain teachings from Mother Church. Here are some examples. Some of us are passionate about Gender Equality, and we can't understand why the Catholic Church does not allow for Women Priests. Some of us view the scandals that are being uncovered in the Church among the clergy today are a result of our Priests being required to remain celibate, and thus we strongly feel that the Church should not impose celibacy as a requirement for its clergy. To some, human beings are made with physical needs, and they feel that the Church should relax her stance towards pre-martital sex, contraception, LGBTQ, and even abortion. Some of us feel that the changes to the Liturgy from Vatican II ought not to have taken place. To many, the Traditional Latin Mass is the only form of worship that should be accepted as valid by the Church. To many, the rubrics of the Liturgy are but man-made laws, and we feel that there's no need to observe all the rubrics in the GIRM, if they do not help us in connecting with our God during the Liturgy. And the list goes on.
I must admit, I too struggle with these things. After all, in this day and age, we live in a society of Relativism. We live in a world where views are relative to differences in perception among people. There is always a variety of different interpretations among different concepts.
While we are called to live in the World, the idea of relativism in itself is already a problem for us as disciples of Christ. The Church has always maintained the view that relativism is a denial of the absolute truth. This can lead to the possible denial of what is Sin, and even of God. The Catholic Church offers her children the fullness of truth, and relativism offers us the possibility of denying that the Catholic Church has the fullness of truth. Catholics are called to be in the world, but not of the world. Relativism is something that we are called to reject.

In our creed, we profess our belief and acceptance of ONE Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Faith. As a family of God, all of us are called to stand united in what we believe. We believe that our Church is the Church which was founded by Christ himself, and he did so upon the authority which he himself passed on to the apostles, which they passed on to their successors. When Christ founded his Church, he did so upon the rock of Peter, where he says:
"You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church. And the gates of the underworld can never hold out against it." - Matthew 16:18
Jesus himself promised has us that the gates of the underworld will never prevail against his Church. In saying so, I believe that it is quite safe to say that the teachings of Mother Church will lead us to our Salvation.
As Catholics, we need to take up the call to reject the idea of relativism. We do not get to pick and choose what we want to believe in when it comes to the teachings of Mother Church. When we do this, that is what causes division. If we struggle with agreeing with all the teachings of the Church, let me assure you that this is normal. We are human beings after all, and a lot of the time, our visions can become clouded by our egos. And make no mistake about it, I too am struggling.
However, this is when we are called to pray for humility, to pray for the grace to understand, and to accept even though we may not fully agree. This applies to all teachings of the Church. The journey of faith never ends. So instead of challenging the Church's view on certain things, let us challenge ourselves to be the Church. This is the call for all of us.
I must admit, I too struggle with these things. After all, in this day and age, we live in a society of Relativism. We live in a world where views are relative to differences in perception among people. There is always a variety of different interpretations among different concepts.
While we are called to live in the World, the idea of relativism in itself is already a problem for us as disciples of Christ. The Church has always maintained the view that relativism is a denial of the absolute truth. This can lead to the possible denial of what is Sin, and even of God. The Catholic Church offers her children the fullness of truth, and relativism offers us the possibility of denying that the Catholic Church has the fullness of truth. Catholics are called to be in the world, but not of the world. Relativism is something that we are called to reject.

In our creed, we profess our belief and acceptance of ONE Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Faith. As a family of God, all of us are called to stand united in what we believe. We believe that our Church is the Church which was founded by Christ himself, and he did so upon the authority which he himself passed on to the apostles, which they passed on to their successors. When Christ founded his Church, he did so upon the rock of Peter, where he says:
"You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church. And the gates of the underworld can never hold out against it." - Matthew 16:18
Jesus himself promised has us that the gates of the underworld will never prevail against his Church. In saying so, I believe that it is quite safe to say that the teachings of Mother Church will lead us to our Salvation.
As Catholics, we need to take up the call to reject the idea of relativism. We do not get to pick and choose what we want to believe in when it comes to the teachings of Mother Church. When we do this, that is what causes division. If we struggle with agreeing with all the teachings of the Church, let me assure you that this is normal. We are human beings after all, and a lot of the time, our visions can become clouded by our egos. And make no mistake about it, I too am struggling.
However, this is when we are called to pray for humility, to pray for the grace to understand, and to accept even though we may not fully agree. This applies to all teachings of the Church. The journey of faith never ends. So instead of challenging the Church's view on certain things, let us challenge ourselves to be the Church. This is the call for all of us.
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