I have always loved the Franciscan spirituality. Growing up in the parish of St. Mary of the Angels, I must say that I've always had a soft spot in my heart whenever the topic of the patronal feast of St. Mary of the Angels came into my conversations with people. This feast is called the feast of the Portuincula, which is celebrated by Franciscans all around the world on 2nd August. This feast grants a plenary indulgence to all pilgrims who visit any Franciscan Church in the world.

In order to earn this pardon, one would have to fulfil the following three conditions:
1. Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation within eight days, either before or after visiting the Portuincula, or any other Franciscan Church in the world for the feast.
2. Participate in the great celebration of the Eucharist
3. Pray the Lord's Prayer, the Apostle's Creed, and pray a prayer for the intentions of our Holy Father

The origins of the feast came in the year 1216, where our Lord and his Mother appeared to St. Francis of Assisi in the little chapel of the Portuincula, which is dedicated to St. Mary of the Angels. Francis was asked by our Lord, of what he would want for the salvation of the souls of mankind. Francis humbly asked for a plenary indulgence (or an elimination of temporal punishment due to sin), for all who visited this tiny chapel during her patronal feast. The Lord granted this to Francis, but asked that he made this request known to the Holy Father. The Pope granted this request, and this indulgence came to be known as the Great Pardon of Assisi, or the Pardon of the Portuincula. This indulgence is now extended to all Franciscan Churches throughout the world.
The chapel of the Portuincula was one of the Churches which was restored by Francis, after he heard the voice of the Lord in San Damiano, telling him to restore his Church which was falling into ruins. Francis always had a special love for this tiny chapel. It was in this chapel where Francis realised his vocation in life; to live simply, with nothing of his own. It was there where he received Clare's vows to join his way of life. It was there where our Lord and our Lady appeared to him and granted his request for the salvation of souls. And it was in this tiny chapel, where Francis wished to die. On the night of 3rd October 1226, Francis met Sister Death in this tiny chapel.
Just like Francis, I too must say that I've always had a special love for the Church of St. Mary of the Angels, but the one in Bukit Batok, which is run by the Franciscan Friars. It was in this church where I grew up and received the Sacraments. It was there where I spent most of my time on weekends with friends, especially those who served at the Sanctuary with me as Altar Servers, many of whom are my close friends, even till this day. It was in a tiny chapel within the parish grounds where I had my first tangible encounter with God. It was in this Church where my vocation in life was nurtured. It was in this Church where I learnt about the Liturgy, and became very passionate about it. It was in this Church where I discovered about Francis, the saint who has given me so much in life, even till this day.
The parish priest who I worked with very closely always said in his homilies for the patronal feast, that this feast is not about appeasing an angry God. Rather, it is a gift that Francis gave to the whole world, which allows us to connect with and embrace a loving God. This has always moved me; the love and mercy that our God has for us, his beloved children. God is love, and we see throughout salvation history that he has always wanted to be as close as possible to the human race. And this gift that Francis left behind for the whole world, has indeed been a very powerful way that allowed me to embrace our loving God in a tangible way, year after year.
I must say that Francis has always been a companion on my faith journey, and he has given me much strength and inspiration. And one of the best gifts that he's given me every year is the gift of a great pardon, a chance to run back into the arms of our loving and merciful God. This weekend, as Franciscans all around the world celebrate the Pardon of the Portuincula, do consider making a pilgrimage to St. Mary of the Angels (even if you cannot enter the Church due to the COVID-19 restrictions, you can stand outside and say a simple prayer) and obtain this great gift which Francis left behind for the whole world.
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