The Beauty of the Funeral Liturgy
God certainly has a sense of humour. When I wrote about the three things I wanted for my funeral liturgy last week, little did I know that I was going to be involved with the planning of a funeral liturgy during the week. I suppose it was a reminder for me, that like the gospel from last Sunday tells us, an important thing which our faith demands is that we have our lamp of faith lit at all times, because we really never know when God is going to call us. And like I mentioned in my previous musings, the funeral liturgy is indeed a celebration, though it is much more than a mere celebration of the life of the deceased.
From the beginning of the celebration, when the casket is transferred from the Wake Parlour to the Church, something appropriate to be sung, is in fact Psalm 122, even though it is hardly used at funerals.
"I rejoiced when I heard them say,
Let us go to the House of God,
And now our feet are standing,
In your gates, O Jerusalem"
From the very beginning of the Funeral Liturgy, there is already meant to be great rejoicing. We rejoice at the fact that we are about to enter the house of God. We rejoice upon entering the place where the sacrifice of Christ is about to take place, a foretaste of the new and eternal Jerusalem, where we will indeed be re-united with our maker, and with our loved ones who have gone before us.
At the door of the Church, before the casket enters, the deceased is sprinkled with Holy Water, as a reminder of his or her dying with Christ in the waters of baptism. We are reminded once again that more than a celebration of life, the Funeral Liturgy celebrates the deceased's life with Christ. It is a celebration of the deceased's baptism. The casket is also sprinkled with Holy Water during the rite of final commendation, which takes place towards the end of the Funeral Mass.
In fact, throughout the celebration, the elements of the Funeral Liturgy emphasise the connection to the deceased's baptism and life with Christ. The casket is covered with a white cloth known as the Pall, bringing to mind the Baptismal Garment worn by the deceased on the day of baptism. The Book of the Gospels is also placed on the Casket as a reminder of how the deceased was nourished by the Word of God. The Crucifix is also placed on the casket, reminding those who remain that the deceased embraced the Cross of Christ.
The scripture readings for the Funeral Liturgy are also catered to bring comfort, healing and courage to those who are grieving. Many of the appropriate readings speak about how death has no victory, and reminds us who remain about the promise of the resurrection. This is why I mentioned in my most recent musing that I would not want for my family members or those who would be strongly affected by my passing to proclaim the readings. I'd want for them to listen to the Word of God, and to be ministered to. As much as our faith is never private, it is personal. The Word of God can touch the family of the deceased in a very personal way. God personally reminds them that death does not have the final say, and that they will be reunited with their loved ones in the new and eternal Jerusalem.
The funeral liturgy is beautiful, not just because of it's richness, but because it reminds us of our Christian Faith. It reminds us that while we may be full of grief at the passing of our loved ones, we believe in the promise of the resurrection. And it reminds us that because of our baptism, we too will inherit eternal life.
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