Does it need to belong at the Cross in order to be appropriate for Mass?

 "If it's not appropriate at the Foot of the Cross, it doesn't belong at Mass"

This is often cited by more than a few Catholics who wish to speak out against liturgical abuse. To many of such people, things such as the guitar, the piano, and even the drums in some parishes have been a cause of liturgical abuse. Many of us feel that there is a need for the restoration of the Pipe Organ and Chant, so as to restore the holiness which should be found in the Liturgy. 

It's definitely true that the GIRM calls for an emphasis on Chant, and for the Pipe Organ to be held in high esteem. Quite frankly, I do feel that we should put a bit more of an emphasis on these things during the celebration of the Liturgy, so as to remind our Catholics that what is being celebrated is indeed sacred. However, does this really mean that the guitar, the piano, and the drums do not have a place in the Liturgy? Is the music from the composers really a cause of Liturgical Abuse? 

While it's true that the GIRM calls for Chant and the Pipe Organ to be held in high esteem, one thing which I learnt is that it's very easy to misunderstand the Liturgy, if we were to solely read from the GIRM, or if we were to not read the GIRM in it's entirety. The GIRM is not the sole place where instructions are given with regard to how the Liturgy should be celebrated. In fact, the GIRM does state that other forms of music, apart from Gregorian Chant, are in no ways excluded from the Liturgy, provided that they correspond to the spirit of the liturgical action, and that they foster the participation of the faithful. 

So where then does it state that the guitar and the piano are permitted into the Liturgy? For that, we look to Musicam Sacram, the 1976 instruction on liturgical music. It defines Sacred Music as that which, being created for the celebration of divine worship, is endowed with a certain holy sincerity of form and states that the following come under the title of sacred music:

- Gregorian chant
- Sacred polyphony in its various forms both ancient and modern
- Sacred music for the organ and other approved instruments
- Sacred popular music, be it liturgical or simply religious to the document

Notice that the document allows for polyphony which is both ancient and modern to be considered as Sacred Music, which is permitted into the Liturgy. It also states that certain popular music can be considered as Sacred, and therefore it has a place in the Liturgy. 

The document is also quite clear with regard to the instruments at the Liturgy: 

Musical instruments either accompanying the singing or played alone can add a great deal to liturgical celebrations.

The pipe organ is to be held in high esteem, for it is the traditional musical instrument that adds a wonderful splendor to the Church's ceremonies and powerfully lifts up the spirit to God and to higher things.

But other instruments also may be admitted for use in divine worship, with the knowledge and consent of the competent territorial authority. This may be done, however, only on condition that the instruments are suitable, or can be made suitable, for sacred use, are in accord with the dignity of the place of worship, and truly contribute to the uplifting of the faithful.

By this, we can see that the Church does allow for secular instruments such as the Piano, the Guitar, and even the drums to have a place in the Liturgy. The Church does however, state that such instruments are only to be used to foster the participation of the Body of Christ, and that it should not take away the focus on the Mystery of Christ that is celebrated at every Mass. 

While I can certainly understand where Catholics who advocate for the Piano and the Guitar to be done away with are coming from, as Liturgical Abuse does occur alarmingly often in today's day and age, I can't help but wonder if perhaps their intentions may or may not have been misplaced. It seems that the Church is saying that it's not the presence of the Piano and the Guitar that causes Liturgical Abuse, but the way that these instruments are used. 

When it comes to the Liturgy, we need to remember that it is not about us or our personal preferences. The Choir should not be present at Mass to give a performance to the congregation. The instrumentalists at the Liturgy should not be attempting to put on a personal show. The Altar Servers should not be drawing attention to themselves while serving at the sanctuary. It must always be about drawing those in the congregation to the Mystery of Christ, and fostering their active and conscious participation in the prayer of the Church.

In addition, by saying that what isn't appropriate at calvary shouldn't have a place at Mass, we risk being an exclusive Church. For instance, hyper-active children (with parents hopefully trying their best to teach them reverence for the Sacred), also aren't exactly appropriate at the foot of the Cross. It's not appropriate to have children running around when others are mourning the death of their king. Are we to say that they also should not have a place at the celebration of the Eucharist? As much as parents ought to be doing their best to teach their children how to behave appropriately in the house of God, shouldn't they bring their children to Church regardless of whether or not they are able to behave appropriately? Furthermore, are we forgetting that the Mass is not solely about the Passion and Death, but a celebration of the resurrection as well? 

It's one thing to speak out against liturgical abuse. It's quite another to insinuate that certain things do not belong in the Liturgy, simply because it's not to our preference. 


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