Why I'm grateful for Purgatory

Among all the doctrines of the Catholic Church, I can't think of one that we Catholics seem to neglect more than the doctrine of Purgatory. For those who've at least heard of the doctrine, it is often understood as the need to appease an angry God for the sins we've committed in this life. And since most of us know that God is loving and merciful, the doctrine of Purgatory is often written off by Catholics. Some of us are also convinced that the doctrine of Purgatory is not even mentioned in scripture (even though it's in Maccabees) and therefore it's probably some man-made teaching which the Catholic Church uses to encourage people to work on keeping their souls clean. Some just don't understand the doctrine enough to appreciate it fully. It's no secret that the topic of Purgatory is something that most Catholics would avoid as much as possible. It's hardly mentioned at funerals, and I only know of two priests who are bold enough to preach about the s...